How to Allow Comments on YouTube?

Search Engine Optimization


How to Allow Comments on YouTube?

04/02/2023 12:00 AM by Admin in Youtube

How to Allow Comments on YouTube?

How to Allow Comments on YouTube? YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms for video content creators. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it's a powerful tool for building an audience and engaging with them. One of the best ways to do this is by allowing comments on your videos. In this article, we'll explore how to enable comments on YouTube and how to effectively moderate them.

Why Allow Comments on YouTube?

Allowing comments on your YouTube videos can benefit your channel in several ways. Firstly, it helps to increase engagement with your audience. When viewers are able to leave comments, they're more likely to feel invested in your content and your channel as a whole. This can lead to increased watch time and subscriber numbers.

Comments also provide an opportunity for you to communicate directly with your audience. When you reply to comments, you're showing your viewers that you value their feedback and appreciate their support. This can help to build a sense of community around your channel and make your viewers feel more connected to you.

Lastly, comments can provide valuable feedback on your content. When viewers leave comments, they may offer suggestions or constructive criticism that can help you improve your videos in the future.

How to Enable Comments on YouTube

Enabling comments on your YouTube videos is a straightforward process. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your YouTube account and navigate to your Creator Studio.
  2. Click on "Videos" in the left-hand menu.
  3. Find the video you want to enable comments on and click on "Edit."
  4. Scroll down to the "Advanced Settings" section.
  5. Under "Comments and ratings," select "Allow comments."
  6. Click "Save changes."

Once you've enabled comments on your video, viewers will be able to leave comments and interact with your content.

How to Moderate Comments on YouTube

While allowing comments on your YouTube videos can be beneficial, it's important to effectively moderate them to ensure a positive experience for your audience. Here are some tips for moderating comments on YouTube:

  1. Set up comment filters: YouTube provides several options for filtering out potentially offensive or spammy comments. In your Creator Studio, go to "Settings" and then "Community." Here, you can set up filters to automatically hold potentially inappropriate comments for review or to block certain words or phrases.

  2. Review comments regularly: Make a habit of checking your comments section regularly to ensure that all comments are appropriate and respectful. Consider setting aside a specific time each day or week to review comments.

  3. Respond to comments: When viewers leave comments, take the time to respond to them. This shows your audience that you're engaged and interested in their feedback.

  4. Delete inappropriate comments: If you come across a comment that is offensive or inappropriate, delete it immediately. This helps to maintain a positive and respectful environment for your audience.

By following these tips, you can effectively moderate comments on your YouTube videos and create a positive experience for your audience.


Allowing comments on your YouTube videos can be a powerful tool for engaging with your audience and building a sense of community around your channel. By following the steps above, you can easily enable comments on your videos and effectively moderate them to ensure a positive experience for your viewers. Remember to review comments regularly, respond to feedback, and delete any inappropriate comments to maintain a respectful and welcoming environment for your audience.


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